Tuesday, January 3

$65 CVS Gift Card Challenge: Week 1

Here's my Week 1 Purchase..... Huggies. Just Huggies. I hate running out and they were free so who can blame me?
They were on sale for $9.49 and I got back $1 ecb. However, I had a FREE Huggies coupon from Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards that i've been saving for this sale.

So my first total: $0
ECB's Earned: $1
Total Spending Power: $66.00 ($65 Gift Card and $1 ecb)

*So... why $65? Well, that's how much I got in gift cards from family for Christmas :) So I thought it would be fun to see how far I could stretch it. Want to start your own CVS Gift Card Challenge? You can start your own challenge of any amount. Check out Simply CVS for all the details! Cheryl is awesome about showing you all the deals, keeping you updated, and of course, doing her own GC Challenge!

1 comment:

  1. Great first week, Ashley! Soooo funny to increase spending power at CVS. With the cash cards and the other CVS gift cards over the past few months I am wondering if I will ever run out of my $50 GC. Thanks for linking at Simply CVS. Oh, and what great gifts.
